Elf Bar & Co. – Gefährlicher Hype Einwegzigarette | maintower

11 bass are really trendy again everyone has one everyone wants to try a new variety simply every user on tiktok proudly presents their colorful collection of eleven bars the Chinese trend brand among e-cigarettes in flavors such as apple pear or cola in a trendy design that can also be used as decoration Jennifer Vogel is a fan of the colorful chopsticks and regular customers in the e-cigarette shop in Groß-Zimmer for two years she has been vaping e-cigarettes with nicotine for the 27-year-old they are the ideal replacement for tobacco cigarettes she smoked before of course the other e-cigarettes are much bigger you have to fill them up you have to charge them and that one is like that you open the cap at the bottom and at the top and then you can start vaping right away no and if you are of course also partying is of course much easier to carry in your handbag 11 cash costs about 10 €, they are available with and without nicotine, both versions can only be bought from the age of 18 despite young people under 18 try to get the goods almost every day, they come in.

Questions, for example, do you always have e-cigarettes with liquids, of course, first how old you are because of your ID then says yes, I forgot to get but I try to stop the whole thing that is not at all possible in the vicinity of minors with e-cigarettes no tobacco is burned but a liquid is heated they taste of fruit and are colorful that makes them seem almost harmless but that's exactly what they are does not explain pulmonologist dr Celik he takes a look at the ingredients formaldehyde old hut acetone these are all three substances that are carcinogenic, especially when they are heated and that also depends on how high it is heated what means a voltage on it that's all not regulated, it's not a medical device, that means it 's a bit unclear how much is actually in the lungs There are no long-term studies on the consequences of e-cigarettes yet, but experts assume that consumption can cause diseases such as cancer or asthma or lead to strokes and heart attacks.

We know that the ingredients cause ass damage lead to cell death in the alveoli, i.e. in the alveoli of the lungs, we know that it directly causes damage to the vessels of the lungs, we know everything from experimental studies, even if the concentration is lower compared to the cigarette, this does not change the fact that these inhaled substances are in the lungs have this effect how harmful they really are is very few consumers aware of what we often experience is that young people think that it is healthy whether the dog wants to explain it with workshops in schools because it often doesn’t stay with the e-cigarette for us, of course the challenge as a prevention agency that when young people have decided to consume e-cigarettes that they are more easily accessible for tobacco cigarettes he therefore demands higher prices to create a barrier more education and a deposit system for disposable cigarettes than in every eleventh are lithium-ion batteries built in the the environmental damage if they are disposed of with normal household waste jennifer has another solution for this not in the household waste or in any bus stop garbage can when they are empty I come here automatically and get a new one and then there is that old just starting it would be healthier not to smoke at all

As found on YouTube
